As XCLSV WORLD gets bigger, it reaches the feet and computer screens of people accross the world. It has been featured and reviewed on various blogs, but this is the first article that was printed (of my knowledge). The article was in the latest issue of the spanish magazine "Aragon en portada". This was the result from the attention that the "Love, Live, Life" Creative recreation custom sneakers have gotten in the Spanish model industry. The reason for this is because they were designed for my sister, who so happens to be a international supermodel based out of Spain.
I am greatful that God has given me the oportunity to touch people around the globe, weather it is by the designe that was delivered for a client, or simply the inspiration given to readers, it touches me as much as it touches you. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for your support!
I am greatful that God has given me the oportunity to touch people around the globe, weather it is by the designe that was delivered for a client, or simply the inspiration given to readers, it touches me as much as it touches you. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for your support!
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