Monday, April 20, 2009

Olivia "Oli Queen Rock Star" custom sneakers

Hello world!!!
So I'm back, I know it has been a while but I have been busy working on my graphic design and other projects. For those who follow my custom sneaker work, you seen the star for a while and was wondering what was behind it. Started them a good month ago (or more). But without further a due, I bring to you: Olivia's "Oli Queen Rock Star" custom Creative Recreaions. I apologize for the long wait to deliver these.

Olivia came to me from the south of Spain. She fell in love with the "love live life" custom kicks, and she wanted her own twist of these custom shoes. She is an artist as well and she is a big fan of grunge illustrations and typography, but most importantly she and her peers consider Olivia Such a queen and a rock star, and at times "the rock star queen". So this pair of custom sneakers will have to embrace all of the above in order to represent her to the fullest.

This was by far the hardest/easiest job I have done so far. Our brain storming went extremelly smooth because as artists we had a lot in common, we both love black and white, strong accents, typography, and more. She has also been extremely understanding a patient, more so than I would ever be and that I would expect anyone to be. It was difficult due to the design of the shoe, the holes on the top of the shoe made it impossible to use it for any type of detailed work, the logo pin on the side was right in the middle of all the panel, messing any sense of balance (we know that in my world balance is key), the size was smaller than I expected, and last but not least, our brainstorming went so well, I had too many ideas, how to incorporate everyhting without overcrowding the custom shoe? hmmm... I got half way through it and I was ready to give up, I actually started writing an email to explain the situation and bring to her attention that I was going to start it over on another pair, and that is when it hit me and I finished them off.

The heals of the shoes features a star and a crown, simply to simbolize the "rock star queen" theme. The star is acually a replica of a pin she had on the shirt she was wearing on the picture she sent me (see video). The toes and tongues feature what I like to call "cameleon touch", it's pink, but depending on how the light hits it, it will have a gold glare to it, similar to the piscis custom nike air force ones (not published yet). The tongue also features a zebra print, you can't go rock star without animal prints!
The sides are the most interesting panels, mainly the right shoe. She love grunge typography and so do I, and since I have been experiencing with mixing both my graphic design background and the custom sneakers, I thought it would take a step further and a grunge illustration on the shoes (it started with the '09 marley custom sneakers). The result was quite satisfactory.

This project had an extremelly easy start, a rollercoaster process, and in my opinion a precise and sexy finish, you be the judge.
Once again, my job is not only to create pieces that will look appealant to the masses, but also and mainly to deliver someone's identity or feelings through art as a fashion statement. If you can see yourself express yourself in this manner feel free to email me for your own pair of custom sneakrs!

For orders email

XCLSV X Olivia "Oli Queen Rock Star" X Custom Creative Recreation


  1. Me encanta todoooo!
    Lo q has escerito y lo q has hexo, te doy las gracias x todo, sobretodo por el resultado y por la capacidad que tienes para captar mis ideas sin apenas conocerme.
    Tienes muxa alma, amigooo!!!
    Espero conocerte cuando vengas a España.
    THANKS a lotttt!!!
    Nos vemos pronto y muxa suerte con ellas en la battle! :D


  2. Love them! I love the way you express every lil detail and the feelings that you transmit!
    good job!!!
